Mustang of the Month to Sponsor
What do you do when you're branded and all you want is freedom to roam? What do you do when you're branded and your fate may only be the slaughterhouse? You fall into the miracle of saved by a mustang advocate and the miracle of running free at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary! Brownie is our June 2015 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor, branded and then saved by a miracle!

Brands everywhere:
You would think with all her brands, we would have an accurate history of Brownie; such is not the case. Her BLM adoption papers tell us that she was adopted at the age of three, but how long she had been in a holding pen and what happened for eleven years of her life after adoption, we do not know.
Brownie, the mare with the brands:
Nestled in the security of the rescue band of horses, you might spot a shy and unassuming mare with very distinctive brands, Brownie! During the winter months her wild mustang roots show in her hair as she piles on a thick winter coat. Come summer she changes into a gorgeous dark bay. But it never takes long to notice the brands on this petite mare.

Another mustang saved from slaughter!
Brownie owes her life to a caring person, Celine Myers, founder of Duchess Sanctuary and Ark Watch Foundation. Celine was notified by the National Equine Resource Council of Brownie languishing in a BLM kill lot. Not much time was left for Brownie and Celine Myers had to act quickly. With the help of many people Celine brought Brownie to her new home at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary in 2012.

Forever branded and now forever free:
It's a sad commentary that a mustang with prominent brands should be rescued without anyone knowing the mustang's name. But we're darn satisfied to have named her 'Brownie' since she deserves not only a name but the freedom to run.

A lovely mare worth sponsoring!
From a neglected life and almost slaughter to a name more important than brands and most importantly to live life as a mustang should, Brownie needs only one thing more to continue her miracle: Your Support. We ask for your kind generosity to keep Brownie's miracle alive for years to come!
November 2013 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Honey.
December 2013 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Buckshot.
January 2014 Mustangs of the Month to Sponsor: Mariah and Rioja.
February 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Montego Bay.
March 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Sierra
April 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Cisco
May 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Autumn
June 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: General
July 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Charm
August 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Sid
September 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor
October 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Shoshone
November 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Kemen
December 2014 Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Chon-Teh
January Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Jewel
February Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Red Hawk
March Mustang of the Month to Sponsor: Angel
April Mustangs of the Month to Sponsor: Adobe Town Mustangs
May Mustangs of the Month to Sponsor: Adobe Town Mares and Fillies