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The Rare Breed Preservation

Choctaw & Spanish Mustang Spirit


Rare Breed Preservation Program of American Mustangs

Over 600 mustangs make their home at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. All of our wild horses are unique and worthy of being given sanctuary and freedom. However, some of the mustang bands do have rare origins and their ancestors have played very distinctive roles in the history of America. Most of these rare breed mustangs’ herds are in special designated areas on the Sanctuary and reproduction is controlled yet certain individuals are preserved to not risk extinction of the bloodlines.


Some of the rare breed mustangs show phenotype, genetic testing and DNA blood testing that date back to some of the first horses introduced to the New World by the Spanish and Portuguese Conquistadors in their search for gold. The Iberian and Spanish horses left behind were in many ways worth more than the gold the Explorers found in the New World.


For more information on IRAM's Spanish Mustang Spirit Preservation Program please click HERE for the website. Our deepest appreciation goes to Karen Parker webmaster and designer, photographer, friend, Sanctuary donor and supporter for this website.

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