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Stories from the Heart of a Mustang

Arturo the Kiger

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not.  Make it your strength.  Then it can never be your weakness.  Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.” ~ Tyrion Lannister

Strong, confident, powerful…these are the first thoughts upon seeing Arturo.  If you were to look up the description of a Kiger mustang, Arturo would be the ideal specimen by which to compare all others.  He is a deep-golden dun color with typical Spanish traits – 2-colored mane and tale, dark dorsal stripe, and some zebra-striping in black on his legs.  Look into his eyes and you know he is proud of his heritage and is made to run free.


Arturo was gathered by the Bureau of Land Management in 2011 from the Riddle Mountain Herd Management Area in Oregon.  He was just 7 years old.  Adopted as a stallion by Ericka, Arturo was gelded and began the “gentling” process with the help of Diane Delano of the Wild Horse Rescue Center in Florida.  He was well-loved and cared for, but never truly let go of his wild side.



In 2015, Arturo was offered a life-long home and the chance to run free at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary.  He arrived with Miss Sulphur and some of the other Sulphur mustangs.  The bond between he and Miss Sulphur is deep.  It is as if he knows her past struggles and has designated himself as her protector so she will never hurt again.


The coming weeks and months will include some changes for Arturo, Miss Sulphur, and their friends, Courage and Merle.  It will soon be time to move them out of the “Sulphur” corral and into a larger space of their own.  The ultimate goal is to release them into the vast pasture of the Sanctuary occupied by the Spanish herd.  We anticipate that Arturo will take on any challenger that attempts to steal Miss Sulphur’s heart!


Your support makes this all possible!  It helps to make certain that hay is available when winter weather limits the forage the ground can produce.  It helps fill the water troughs when the rain stops.  It ensures that there are qualified people here to monitor the health of the herds.  It guarantees the freedom of the horses to live their days in peace, without fear of round-ups and the loss of family.  Make your donation today to support Arturo and all the horses that have found refuge here at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary.


Mustang Fact:  Genetically proven to be of Spanish descent, Kiger mustangs can be found in two protected locations in Oregon – Kiger Gorge and Riddle Mountain areas.  Riddle Mountain, where Arturo is from, is the smaller area.  It is very remote and inaccessible by vehicle.


Enjoy more Stories from the Heart of a Mustang:


A Valentine Story from the Heart


Call Her Courage


Freedom & Family


Quiet But Strong


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