Call Her Courage
Sometimes, even to live is an act of courage. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Meet "Courage" - a beautiful 10-year old Sulphur bay mare now residing at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. Courage is a 3-striker, which means she was offered for sale by the Bureau of Land Management in three auctions and received no bids. Not one. She was destined for long-term storage - or worse. For $25 she was purchased and joined 3 other horses traveling to the Sanctuary where she would be safe for life.
She is a majestic mustang! Even in winter, her rich mahogany brown coat reflects her beauty. Her eyes, as they look to the nearby hills, tell us that she longs to be free to run once again with her band members. The next part of her journey begins this Spring. Courage, and a few other Sulphur horses that arrived last year, seem to have acclimated well to their new surroundings. Over the coming months, they will be guided through their transition to join the Spanish herd that resides on a vast area of the Sanctuary. More “courage” will surely be necessary as these Sulphurs find their place in the larger herd.

Your support makes this all possible! It helps to make certain that hay is available when winter weather limits the forage the ground can produce. It helps fill the water troughs when the rain stops. It ensures that there are qualified people here to monitor the health of the herds. It guarantees the freedom of the horses to live their days in peace, without fear of round-ups and the loss of family.
Mustang Facts: Sulphur horses are a type of Spanish horse, considered to be one of the most genetically pure types of wild horse here in America. Sulphurs come in a variety of colors and have markings that are known as dun factor. The base color of the mane of the horse must be darker for the horse to be considered a true dun. These markings are darker than the body color and most often the same color as the mane and tail. The most common dun factor marking is the dorsal stripe. The dorsal stripe usually runs from the base of the mane to the base of the tail along the spine. Other characteristics include dark leg stripes up to the knee, ears are pointed with a dark rim, neck and shoulder stripes, dark "eye liner" encircles the eyes, hooves are thick-walled, and extremely tough.