Staff Media
Dec 30, 2021
As the temperatures plummet and the holidays have passed. The glamor of the celebrations are over. It is out on the open prairie where the wind bites your skin fiercely and you struggle to stay warm. There are never enough layers; you slowly drive the truck forward as your partner kicks off hay to waiting mustangs.
These animals are still so leery of your presence but they are very clearly hungry. You have hay so they don't seem to mind that you have a camera as well. We have only one ranch truck with the ability to haul square hay bales that can access this part of the sanctuary. Two trucks would make this much easier.
Crossing the Cheyenne River at what we call middle crossing has its treacherous moments. We managed to break through the ice on one side of the truck. However the other side was safe on top of the ice. A good half hour was spent hacking at the ice with an axe to get it to break through.
It is a bumpy cold ride to the other side of the wild horse sanctuary. This takes most of the day to accomplish. As one of the staff photographers I do this whenever possible to get the kind of photos to help our sponsors see the dedication and the accomplishment of healthy thriving mustangs. Also never drink too much coffee. Now this is where you laugh because I just made you imagine not having a bathroom nearby after too much coffee. Thankfully I am not so city that an accommodating bush will work just nicely.
The mustangs must of heard us down below on the river. We crested the top and they were waiting for us. They were gracious to receive the hay. You could see it in their faces. Sponsoring any one of these truly wild mustangs would help supplement the nourishment they need to sustain them through a cold and drought ridden winter.
Please enjoy some of the photos of our recent trip to feed the "wild" mustangs. Also consider making your tax deductible end of year giving donation to the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary.
End of Year Giving Donations....Donate today at https://www.wildmustangs.com/donate